W aptece – Kupujemy leki i korzystamy z pomocy farmaceuty. Część 1

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I need to get this prescription filled

PHARMACIST: Good morning, how can I help you?

CUSTOMER: Hi, I need to get this prescription filled.

PHARMACIST: Sure, it’ll be ready in a few minutes.

CUSTOMER: Also, I’ve had a bad headache and cough for a couple of days. Can you suggest something for that?

PHARMACIST: Do you have a fever?

CUSTOMER: Luckily, no.

PHARMACIST: Well, this pain reliever works well, but make sure not to drink alcohol while using it. For your cough, I suggest these lozenges and a bottle of cough syrup.

CUSTOMER: Thanks, I’ll try that.

PHARMACIST: Is that everything?

CUSTOMER: Yes, that should do.

PHARMACIST: The total is £35.

CUSTOMER: That’s a lot! Why so expensive?

PHARMACIST: The prescription medicine is costly. It’s £25. Make sure you follow your doctor’s instructions.

CUSTOMER: Alright, no worries.

PHARMACIST: Here’s your change. Have a great day!

Ćwiczenie 1

Prawda czy nieprawda?

1 The prescription cannot be filled. _________

2 The Customer has only had a bad headache. _________

3 The Customer doesn’t have a fever. _________

4 The Pharmacist suggests only lozenges for the cough. _________

1 The prescription cannot be filled. F

2 The Customer has only had a bad headache. F

3 The Customer doesn’t have a fever. T

4 The Pharmacist suggests only lozenges for the cough. F

5 The medicines are expensive. T

Ćwiczenie 2

Przeczytaj na głos za lektorem.

I need to get this prescription filled Chcę zrealizować tę receptę

a bad headache mocny ból głowy

have a cough mieć kaszel

have a fever mieć gorączkę

pain reliever lek przeciwbólowy

a lozenge pastylka (do ssania)

prescription medicine lekarstwa na receptę

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